Overactive Bladder (OAB) is a condition associated with urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and urge incontinence (UUI). It is very common, affecting an estimated 33+ million Americans of both genders and all ages.
You may have OAB if you feel like your bladder is running your life, i.e. “I know where every bathroom in town is” or “when I have to go, you better get out of my way!”
There are other conditions that can mimic OAB symptoms, so having your symptoms fully evaluated is important.
The initial office evaluation involves a detailed history and physical exam and urinalysis. For most patients, the initial treatment will be based on the evaluation from your first visit. However, there are some of patients who may require more testing based on their symptoms or examination. Radiological studies (X-ray/CT scans), urodynamics (bladder testing studies) or cystoscopy (looking inside the bladder) may be necessary.
At Urology Specialists of Oregon, we offer all available treatments for OAB. Our physicians will work with you to discover the treatment that works best for you.
If you have additional questions, or would like to schedule an appointment for overactive bladder treatment in Bend, OR, contact Urology Specialists of Oregon at (541) 322-5753.